Jóhannes Svavar Rúnarsson, CEO of Strætó will discuss how to move Strætó forward at the InformNorden conference.
When moving forward it is important to realize why we wanted to change certain things, what are the challenges we are facing and where do we see us in the future, says Jóhannes. He will talk about the changes in the fare media of Strætó, from old-fashion paper tickets to Klapp which is a new account-based ticketing system and the new public transport system in the capital area.

Anne- Laure Le Merre, senior advisor, regional and suburban rail at UITP is one of the speakers at the conference with her presentation EU enabling multimodal digital mobility services and availability of data.
“Because of its societal and environmental benefits, public transport has been recognized by the European Commission as being the backbone of mobility. As a consequence, the European Union is working on a number of legislative texts aiming at making public transport greener, more accessible and more affordable.” She says, however,that in a time where public transport faces unexpected global challenges (loss of passengers in the post COVID area, increasing energy prices), it is necessary to make sure that new, additional sustainability criteria will not put the economic equilibrium of public transport services even more at risk.”

Lars Thiesson, operation manager at Movia is also one of the speakers at the conference with his presentation Realtime data in Movia.
In his presentation he will tell the story of how Movia has developed its processes aimed at improving operational performance. Which data can be used to describe and understand the operational performance, which processes has Movia established in order to drive the continued improvement. “Some of the change management issues will be discussed e.g., professional knowledge vs data, data quality and measuring the effect of the effort.”

The value of data – turning a PTA into a data factory is the topic of Ellen´s Marie Rodge presentation, a marketing director at Ruter.
“We in Ruter believe that data centric business model is a key enabler for the delivery of future-proof sustainable mobility solutions and meeting society’s overall sustainability goals. Ability to harvest the data on customer level and transform it back to tailored solutions for our customers is critical in order to succeed.” Ellen Marie Rogde, Marketing Director at Ruter, will in this session show how the use of smart data redefines the mobility industry, reshapes out strategy and what value it brings to the customers we serve.