Accessibility, democracy and ticketing – variety of topics in InformNorden in Reykjavík

Per Gellert, CPO of Movia is one of the speakers at InformNorden conference with his presentation Digital – For all?
Digitalization of public transport services is necessary to provide customers with online and real time information as well as be able to buy tickets digital, he says. “However, the digital services are often also more cost-effective than the traditional analogue solutions. But the experience of Movia is that a group of public transport users are challenged by digital solutions.” In his presentation he will seek to answer the question How do we create solutions that secures the benefits the majority and doesn’t leave a significant group of citizens behind?

Ragnheiður Einarsdóttir expert in public transport at Strætó will held the presentation Customer involvement result in better solutions! at the InformNorden conference.
„I will present Strætó´s redesign of the public transport network and how we involved the public early in the process and took their comments into account when optimizing the network,“ says Ragnheiður.

Henrik Palmér from Region Stockholm is also one of the speakers at the conference.
He will discuss how SL has built their own ticketing system during the last four years in his presentation Ticketing in Stockholm. “The solution includes contactless payment cards, EMV-based open loop travel card, full integration between mobile ticketing and travel cards.” He says that the presentation will highlight the challenges, even given the resources in time, money, and personnel. “Among others, challenges with readers, suppliers, conflicting priorities and “feature creping”.”
Many more interesting presentations will be held at the conference, you can check out the agenda here.